By the end of the workshop, you will:
-have acquired basic knowledge about forward-thinking and vision-oriented teaching methods
-have a thorough understanding of the Future Workshop methodology and its phases
-reflect on how implementing the Future Workshop method in your teaching can enhance the development of forward-thinking skills among your students.
-Overview of vision-oriented and forward-thinking methodologies within ESD
-Introduction to the Future Workshop method and its three stages: critical analysis phase (determination of the current problem), visionary phase (generating solutions to the problem), and implementation phase.
-Practical application of the Future Workshop method
-Discussion of the possible applications of the Future Workshop method in Higher Education teaching
Reading list, theoretical input, plenary discussions, and group and individual exercises
Adressatinnen und Adressaten
Lehrende, HochschuldidakterInnen; auf Wunsch: HochschulmanagerInnen Bereiche dritte Mission/gesellschaftliche Verantwortung/Nachhaltigkeit
Informationen zu den Dozierenden
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann
This course is offered as part of the "Impuls" funding program.