Coaching How to negotiate your contract for an academic position (24H03201) ONLINE


Have you received an offer for a permanent academic position or for a professorship, but you are a bit uncertain of how to proceed? A good negotiation strategy following an offer is a prerequisite for a successful start in a new scientific position and can significantly influence your long-term career chances. All too often we’re confronted with the notion that after the interview there is not much left to negotiate. With our coaching, you will recognise just how many aspects there are to consider and how you can enter into a constructive dialogue with the negotiating university. Our consultancy helps you to gain confidence with regard to all important aspects that you should bring up in negotiations and to lead these in a systematic way.


Universitätsangehörige: CHF 100.00
Dr. Bärbel Tress
Veranstaltet durch

Diversity & Inclusion
Steinengraben 5
4001 Basel


(1) What is the aim and content of the negotiation process?
(2) Who are the negotiating partners?
(3) Determination of your position regarding the following aspects:
- Status of the position
- Salary and additional payments
- Employment on probation
- Criteria for termination of probation
- Starting date
- Type and extent of teaching and supervision
- Direction of research
- Equipment and support (financial support, personnel, technical equipment, access to labs and facilities, travel support, media etc.)
- Support for relocation

We can also help you with further consultancy to individually varying topics if you are in the process of job applications or important career decisions.
Advice offered in situations such as:
- You have received offers from different universities and you don’t know how to proceed strategically.
- You are pregnant and unsure what steps to take throughout the entire application process.

Adressatinnen und Adressaten

Female postdoctoral researchers who are currently in an appointment procedure


You are a female scientists with a PhD and you have received an offer for a professorship at an university.

To register, please write an e-mail to, including a confirmation that you are invited for an interview.

Informationen zu den Dozierenden

More information on Dr. Bärbel Tress


The coaching session is held via skype on appointment.
Language: English or German

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