Transferable Skills
Target Group
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann
Prof. Dr. Armando N. Meier
Rob Thompson
Katharina Padleschat
Maxim Samarin
Michael Berndonner
Gaby Rockmann-Partridge
Dr. Maria Douneva
Carl Emerson
Francesco Spöring
Dr. Verity Elston
Writing to Be Published ONLINE
Dr. Paul Skandera
Dr. Daniel Friedrich
Dr. Samer Angelone
Dr. Daniel Angerhausen
Wolfgang Schmitz
Dr. Marianne Mathys
Christina Kuenzle
Dr. Sina Saladin
Julia Wyss
Stephan Meyer
Katrin Küchler, lic. phil. I
Evelyn Huber-Trutmann
Dr. Sandra Dierig
Gaby Rockmann-Partridge
Dr. Sandra Dierig
Dr. Petra Wüst
Dr. Riana Paola
Increase Your Wordpower ONLINE
Dr. Paul Skandera
Julia Wyss
Dr. Djahane Banoo
Maxim Samarin
Dr. Martina Michalikova
Dr. Desiree Dickerson
Dr. Philipp Mayer
Critical Reasoning and Logic ONLINE
Dr. Malte Engel
Members of the Research Data Management Network
Katrin Küchler, lic. phil. I
Ethics of Science ONLINE
Dr. Isabelle Marie-Odile Wienand Madelon
Hedwig Ens
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann
Dr. Jaqueline Henn
Dr. Oliver Schürmann
Dr. Djahane Banoo
Helga Nolte
Intercultural Communication ONLINE
Mark Moser
Matthias Augustin
Dr. Samer Angelone
Sabine Gysi
Future Workshop: A Method for Vision-Oriented Teaching ONLINE
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann | 6/7/2024 | Lehrende, HochschuldidakterInnen; auf Wunsch: HochschulmanagerInnen Bereiche dritte Mission/gesellschaftliche Verantwortung/Nachhaltigkeit
DHLab / RISE Day
9/25/2024 | Researchers and PostDocs interested in our infrastructure and in a research exchange with the teams from the DHLab and RISE
Grant Writing for Quantitative Economics, Social Sciences, and Public Health
Prof. Dr. Armando N. Meier | 2/13/2025 / 4/11/2025 / 5/26/2025 | Admission requirements: Postdoc or PhD student in a quantitative field broadly related to human behavior, such as economics, social sciences, psychology, humanities, public health, epidemiology. PhD students from other fields who do empirical research are welcome to attend, but may not benefit as much (this course will likely not be useful for people in the natural sciences, biomedicine, etc.).
Negotiation Skills for Scientists
Rob Thompson | 2/17/2025 / 2/18/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Out with It! – Training for Voice, Speech, Body Language
Katharina Padleschat | 2/20/2025 / 2/21/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Python Crash Course (for Beginners) ONLINE
Maxim Samarin | 2/24/2025 / 2/25/2025 / 3/3/2025 / 3/4/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Public Speaking and Impactful Communication (Not Only) in the Sciences
Michael Berndonner | 2/24/2025 / 3/3/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Presentation Training
Gaby Rockmann-Partridge | 2/25/2025 / 2/28/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Imposter Syndrome? Overcome Self-Doubt and Boost Your Career Growth ONLINE
Dr. Maria Douneva | 2/27/2025 / 3/6/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs Please note: If you are in the field of psychology, some of the content might already be known to you, but you are still welcome to attend!
Difficult Conversations, Conflict Management and Better Communication
Carl Emerson | 3/4/2025 / 3/5/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Erfolgreich Anträge schreiben in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Francesco Spöring | 3/6/2025 / 3/27/2025 | Doktorierende der Philosophisch-Historischen und der Theologischen Fakultät
Careers Beyond Academia for Social Sciences and Humanities
Dr. Verity Elston | 3/7/2025 / 3/21/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Theology
Writing to Be Published ONLINE
Dr. Paul Skandera | 3/17/2025 / 3/24/2025 / 3/31/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates
Project PhD: The Path to a Successful Doctorate
Dr. Daniel Friedrich | 3/17/2025 / 3/18/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Theology
Filmmaking for Scientists
Dr. Samer Angelone | 3/19/2025 / 3/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Storytelling, Message Distilling and Presentation Design for Natural and Life Scientists
Dr. Daniel Angerhausen | 3/19/2025 / 3/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Science of the University of Basel Early career researchers at all stages who wish to improve clarity and effectiveness of your scientific communication. You will be able to benefit from this course regardless of your field of research or the language required for scientific communication in your field. You wish to improve clarity and effectiveness of your scientific posters and/or presentations.
Improved Reading – Speed Reading Science ONLINE
Wolfgang Schmitz | 3/19/2025 / 3/31/2025 / 4/11/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Thesis Defense Training ONLINE
Dr. Malte Engel | 3/20/2025 / 3/21/2025 | Advanced Doctoral Candidates
Career Funding for PhDs – Overview and Services
Dr. Marianne Mathys | 3/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates
Self-Management and Career Success
Christina Kuenzle | 3/25/2025 / 3/26/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Project Management – a Toolbox for Scientists ONLINE
Dr. Sina Saladin | 3/25/2025 / 4/1/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Career Funding for Postdocs – Overview and Services
Julia Wyss | 3/27/2025 | Advanced Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Writing for Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Stephan Meyer | 3/28/2025 / 4/25/2025 / 5/16/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Theology
Bewusst kommunizieren und konstruktiv zusammenarbeiten
Katrin Küchler, lic. phil. I | 4/1/2025 / 4/8/2025 / 4/29/2025 | Alle Doktorierenden & Postdocs, speziell neue Docs und Postdocs mit Deutsch als Muttersprache, bzw. als Haupt-Arbeitssprache.
Effizient wissenschaftlich schreiben
Gabriela H. Venetz | 4/2/2025 | Alle Doktorierenden & Postdocs
How to Find Your Job after Your Postdoc ONLINE
Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf | 4/3/2025 | All Postdocs
Out of the Box! Visualize Your Science
Evelyn Huber-Trutmann | 4/4/2025 / 4/11/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Project Management in Research
Dr. Sandra Dierig | 4/7/2025 / 4/8/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Presentation Training for Natural and Life Scientists
Gaby Rockmann-Partridge | 4/8/2025 / 4/11/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Science of the University of Basel
Project Management in Research for Natural and Life Scientists
Dr. Sandra Dierig | 4/9/2025 / 4/10/2025 | All doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Science
Self-Branding and Self-Promotion
Dr. Petra Wüst | 4/24/2025 / 4/25/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Writing Attractive CVs and Cover Letters ONLINE
Dr. Riana Paola | 4/25/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Increase Your Wordpower ONLINE
Dr. Paul Skandera | 4/28/2025 / 5/6/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Writing Productivity
Dr. Philipp Mayer | 4/29/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates
Grant Writing for Career Funding Programs
Julia Wyss | 4/30/2025 / 5/7/2025 / 5/14/2025 | Advanced Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Finding a Post-Academic Career
Dr. Djahane Banoo | 5/2/2025 / 5/16/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Advanced Python and Machine Learning ONLINE
Maxim Samarin | 5/5/2025 / 5/6/2025 / 5/12/2025 / 5/13/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Writing Process in Natural Sciences: From Research to Publication ONLINE
Dr. Martina Michalikova | 5/5/2025 / 5/19/2025 / 6/2/2025 / 6/16/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Science
Resilience and Well-Being in Academia ONLINE
Dr. Desiree Dickerson | 5/7/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Writing Workflow: Forming Your Next Article in the Natural and Life Sciences
Dr. Philipp Mayer | 5/7/2025 / 5/21/2025 / 6/4/2025 / 6/18/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Science
Critical Reasoning and Logic ONLINE
Dr. Malte Engel | 5/8/2025 / 5/9/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Practical Strategies for Effective Research Data Management
Members of the Research Data Management Network | 5/8/2025 / 5/15/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Ready for Take-off – for Early PhDs
Katrin Küchler, lic. phil. I | 5/8/2025 / 5/15/2025 / 5/22/2025 | Early Doctoral Candidates (1st -year)
Ethics of Science ONLINE
Dr. Isabelle Marie-Odile Wienand Madelon | 5/9/2025 / 5/16/2025 / 5/23/2025 / 6/6/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Engage, Inform, Inspire – Bring Your Natural and Life Science Talk to the Next Level
Hedwig Ens | 5/12/2025 / 5/22/2025 | All doctoral Candidates of the Faculty of Science
LaTeX Crash Course
Anthea Jeanne Alberto | 5/13/2025 / 5/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Education for Sustainable Development ONLINE
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann | 5/16/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Education for Sustainable Development ONLINE
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann | 5/16/2025 | Professors, Assisstant Professors, Teachers, and higher education development experts; Upon request: university managers in the areas of third mission, social responsibility, and sustainability
Job Interviews ONLINE
Dr. Janina Bühler | 5/23/2025 / 6/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Personal Finance
Dr. Jaqueline Henn | 6/2/2025 / 6/5/2025 / 6/12/2025 / 6/16/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Doctoral Supervision: Methods & Tools ONLINE
Gitte Wichmann-Hansen | 6/3/2025 | All Postdocs
Coaching Skills for Supervising Bachelor and Master Theses
Dr. Oliver Schürmann | 6/4/2025 / 6/5/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Crucial Conversations: A Toolkit for Effective Communication at Work
Dr. Djahane Banoo | 6/6/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Good Scientific Practice and Its Pitfalls in Every-Day Research
Helga Nolte | 6/12/2025 / 6/13/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates
Ideation Training ONLINE
Dr. Elke Cabooter | 6/13/2025 / 6/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Intercultural Communication ONLINE
Mark Moser | 6/16/2025 / 6/17/2025 / 6/18/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Successful Applications for Your Career in Industry
Matthias Augustin | 6/19/2025 / 6/26/2025 | Advanced Doctoral Candidates & All Postdocs
Science Filmmaking Marathon
Dr. Samer Angelone | 6/19/2025 / 6/20/2025 / 6/21/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Science Communication and Public Engagement
Sabine Gysi | 6/25/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Fit for Leadership?!
Monika Palacios | 6/26/2025 / 6/27/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs