Scientific Tools
Target Group
Maxim Samarin
Dr. Marianne Mathys
Julia Wyss
Informationsdesign – verständliche und ansprechende Gestaltung von Print- und digitalen Medien ONLINE
Martina Schradi
Maxim Samarin
Critical Reasoning and Logic ONLINE
Dr. Malte Engel
Members of the Research Data Management Network
Ethics of Science ONLINE
Dr. Isabelle Marie-Odile Wienand Madelon
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann
Dr. Jean Terrier
Dr. Oliver Schürmann
Helga Nolte
Dr. Anna-Barbara Utelli
Python Crash Course (for Beginners) ONLINE
Maxim Samarin | 2/24/2025 / 2/25/2025 / 3/3/2025 / 3/4/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Career Funding for PhDs – Overview and Services
Dr. Marianne Mathys | 3/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates
Career Funding for Postdocs – Overview and Services
Julia Wyss | 3/27/2025 | Advanced Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Informationsdesign – verständliche und ansprechende Gestaltung von Print- und digitalen Medien ONLINE
Martina Schradi | 4/2/2025 / 4/9/2025 / 4/30/2025 | Alle Doktorierenden & Postdocs
Advanced Python and Machine Learning ONLINE
Maxim Samarin | 5/5/2025 / 5/6/2025 / 5/12/2025 / 5/13/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Critical Reasoning and Logic ONLINE
Dr. Malte Engel | 5/8/2025 / 5/9/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Practical Strategies for Effective Research Data Management
Members of the Research Data Management Network | 5/8/2025 / 5/15/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Ethics of Science ONLINE
Dr. Isabelle Marie-Odile Wienand Madelon | 5/9/2025 / 5/16/2025 / 5/23/2025 / 6/6/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
LaTeX Crash Course
Anthea Jeanne Alberto | 5/13/2025 / 5/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Education for Sustainable Development ONLINE
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann | 5/16/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Opening Higher Education - How to Strengthen University Teaching with Open Educational Resources
Dr. Jean Terrier | 5/16/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Coaching Skills for Supervising Bachelor and Master Theses
Dr. Oliver Schürmann | 6/4/2025 / 6/5/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Good Scientific Practice and Its Pitfalls in Every-Day Research
Helga Nolte | 6/12/2025 / 6/13/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates
Ideation Training ONLINE
Dr. Elke Cabooter | 6/13/2025 / 6/20/2025 | All Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs
Ihr Werkzeugkoffer für die digitale Lehre an der Universität Basel ONLINE
Dr. Anna-Barbara Utelli | 6/18/2025 | Alle Doktorierenden & Postdocs