Service Learning – learning well and doing good (24H06001)

«Empowering students to apply academic knowledge to promote sustainable development through service learning & co”


Education for sustainable development, social transfer, third mission - there are many didactic, personal and strategic reasons to address social goals and problems in your own teaching. But how exactly can this be implemented? What is necessary for this and how can you cooperate with community-based organizations?
The interactive workshop discusses central concepts (in particular service learning, design thinking), shows practical examples and provides tips on didactic and organizational implementation. Participants are encouraged to contribute with own examples and questions. This course is suitable for all disciplines at the University of Basel, and can be useful for those considering applying for Impuls funding.

Course Information

  • Friday, October 25, 2024,
    9:00 AM till 4:30 PM
  • Registration Opens
    June 3, 2024
    Registration Deadline
    October 15, 2024
    Course Fees
    University members: free of charge External participants: 30 CHF
    Course Administration
    IMPULS - Facilitating Service Learning for Sustainability
    Karsten Altenschmidt
    Erweiterungsbereich an das Zertifikat Hochschuldidaktik
    Organized by

    IMPULS – Fachstelle für Nachhaltigkeit
    Petersplatz 1
    4001 Basel
    0041 61 207 12 24


    You will:
    - be familiar with the discourse context around societal orientation in teaching;
    - know & understand the service learning framework and variants;
    - be aware of the special features of cooperation with external non-profit partners;
    - have ideas for transferring service learning or similar methods to your own teaching practice.


    • ESD, transfer, third mission & co.: orientation in the concepts jungle
    • Field- specific and cross-disciplinary examples
    • The service learning framework: combining engagement and teaching
    • Working together with "community partners"
    • Successful patterns for implementation
    • Support at the University of Basel & beyond
    • Collegial coaching for (new) teaching projects
    The exact content will be adapted to the requirements of the participants on site.


    Keynote speech, plenary discussion, group and individual exercise, service learning card deck

    Target Group

    Professors, Lecturers, Teaching Staff, university didactics experts. Upon request: university management in the fields of third mission/social responsibility/sustainability



    About the Trainer

    Karsten Altenschmidt (e.g.) is a head of the Zentrum für gesellschaftliches Lernen und soziale Verantwortung (UNIAKTIV) and Coordinator for Service Learning at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE). There he works and teaches (on) service learning, community-based research, design thinking and other forms of integrating student engagement with teaching and research.


    Credits in this course can be used for the Higher Education Teaching Certificates: Module Context Higher Education.
    The course is offered as part of the Impuls funding program.


    Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel

    Merzweckraum 035

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