Using digital media for learning (24HS7017) ONLINE


Digital learning is now an established feature of many courses at the University of Basel. This course builds on the skills you already have by focusing on digital media such as text, images, video, audio, graphics and diagrams, models and simulations, interactive apps and immersive worlds. It covers:
• Pedagogical pros and cons of different media
• Sourcing and producing digital media for students – some practical considerations including use of open educational resources
• Students as digital producers – assessing video essays, data visualizations, infographics, apps, online presentations and more
• Supporting students’ independent learning with digital media

The course will encourage discussion and sharing of ideas. You will reflect on your own teaching practice, your experience of media production, and your understanding of how students learn. We will cover practical considerations such as editing and adapting digital content, and help you to complete a digital media project of relevance to your own teaching. However, this is not a training course in digital production. The focus is on pedagogy and communication design, and you will be encouraged to develop your techniques where this will improve your teaching.

The course will take place online, using our learning platform ADAM and the videoconferencing software Zoom. You will participate in two live seminars of 90 minutes, with tutor input, opportunities for discussion and experimentation. Between these workshops you will carry out a student needs analysis to help you select a digital media project. After the second workshop you will have two weeks to complete your project, with online support from the tutors and a small group of participants. At the end of the three-week course you will share a new teaching resource with your learning group, get feedback, and share what you have learned with the full group of 16 participants.

Requirements for receiving a certificate of attendance:
- Minimum attendance at the synchronous meetings of 80%.
- Successful completion of all tasks during asynchronous learning phase

Course Information

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 till Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Registration Opens
May 29, 2024
Registration Deadline
August 26, 2024
Course Fees
University Members: CHF 100.00 Non-University Members: CHF 300.00
Course Administration
Helen Beetham
Helen Beetham
Dr. Jean Terrier
Modul 'Digital Literacies for Teaching' (eEducation) / Zertifikate Hochschuldidaktik (10h)
Organized by




Participants will
- Explore how students learn with digital media, formally and informally, including diverse preferences and needs
- Consider the benefits of different media for expressing ideas in different subject areas
- Share practical approaches to finding, adapting, re-using and creating digital materials
- Design a new teaching resource or student assignment to reflect what they have learned

Target Group

All employees of the University




1st course day: 04.09.2024, 02:00 pm to 3:30 pm
One week of asynchronous learning of around 1-2h
2nd course day: 11.09.2024, 02:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Two weeks of asynchronous learning of around 3-4h
3rd course day: 25.09.2024, 02:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Total workload of about 10h



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